Dec, 2023
Free Boys and Girls Youth Lacrosse Clinics Grades 5/6 and 7/8.
New players will learn basic lacrosse skills (passing, catching, shooting , scooping ground balls and dodging.)
Returning players are encouraged to attend and refresh / sharpen your skills.
Dec, 2023
We will be having an informational parent meeting on Thursday January 11th at Parkside Elementary School
Boys @ 6:30-7:00pm
Girls @ 7:00-7:30pm
Dec, 2023
Registrations is open to all Riverside boys and girls in the 5th - 8th grades.
Feb, 2023
Games and tournaments will start in early April and end around the end of May.
Feb, 2023
Practices to start on February 23rd, 2023 inside the LaMuth gym.
Feb, 2023
Spirit wear for RYL - February 2023